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March 5, 2023


Updated: Mar 28, 2023

Message Series: Through It All

Week 2

Scripture: John 11:38-45

Group Check in:

  1. How is it with your soul?

  2. Prayer Request? Praises?

  3. How has God shown up in your life this week?


  • Are you an extrovert or introvert?

  • Does speaking or praying in front of people make you nervous? If so, why?


  • What’s this message about? This week, we discern what this scripture has to teach us about the way that we pray. When we pray we remember that prayer is about generosity, humility and listening.

  • Prayer is an encounter with Jesus.

  • Things to do in our prayer life:

    1. We should be praying out loud on occasion.

    2. When we pray, we need to remember prayer is about generosity. When we pray, we should be praying about ways we can give back.

    3. We should pray with humility so that all that we do points back to God. Being right means you are doing the things that God calls you to do.

    4. When we pray, we are supposed to listen and to hear His voice. When we listen, we should be able to act out what God has called us to be.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Jesus is one with God. How do we become more like this?

  2. Describe a time when God clearly communicated with you. Recall what He said, the means He used, and why you believed it was God.

  3. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, how would you rate your time spent talking with God this past week? Explain.

  4. When you pray do you leave time for God’s response? Do you begin by listening or talking?

  5. What is the biggest issue or need in your life currently? Spend some time praying for those needs as a group.

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