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  • allisonkickham

June 26, 2022

Message Title: Who The Church is Called to Be (Thankful)

Sermon Series: Ekklesia | Week 4

Bottom Line: Gratitude Matters

Other Scripture References:

Group Check in:

  1. How is it with your soul?

  2. Prayer Request? Praises?

Ice Breaker:

  • What are you thankful for?


  • Gratitude matters. Not only does it feel good to be grateful, but the habit of gratitude can also be good for us. Brain research shows that positive emotions are good for our bodies, minds and spirits.

  • Psalm 107 says ”Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His steadfast love endures forever.”

  • How are we to live a life of thankfulness with everything going on in our world?

  1. First, you have to be grateful. However, being grateful, doesn’t mean everything is perfect. Remember that Paul is in chains because of his faithfulness to Jesus. During the highlight of the book of Philippians, the Christ hymn in chapter 2, he talks about the ultimate sacrifice.

  2. The second thing you need to realize about thankfulness is that it does not reflect a measure of your faith. It is a tool to build your faith.

  • Practice thankfulness by writing down the things that you are thankful for. When we focus on being thankful for what we have, even when things are tough, it changes our entire outlook

  • Over the past four weeks we have looked at four different things that the church is called to be: powerful, purposeful, relational, and thankful.

  1. The church is called to have the power of the Holy Spirit to care for others, to be more like God, to grow, to speak up, and to unite together as a church.

  2. The church is called to have: a Life driven purpose …to have fun, learn, and respect others while making disciples.

  3. The church is called to be relational… to outdo one another in showing honor..

  4. The church is called to be thankful and to practice thankfulness as an act of faith.

  • The church exists to love people so much that they get out of the dark places.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How often do we pray for others by asking for healing or hope and neglect to tell God why we are thankful for them?

  2. How in today's age, are we supposed to live a life of thankfulness with everything going on in our world.

  3. Why don't we make being thankful part of our daily habits? What's holding you back?

  4. What does it mean to pray with joy? Why is Paul so joyful in his prayer for the Philippians?

  5. What role does prayer play in your life? Do you pray for and give thanks for your community? Why or why not? Consider doing so now.

  6. What does Philippians 1:6 mean? Is it encouraging to you? If yes, how so?

  7. Who can you encourage this week with something you learned from this text?


  • Create a gratitude journal. Write 3 new things you are thankful for each day. By doing this, you will change your perspective on things. You will seek positivity rather than negativity in your life.

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