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  • allisonkickham

July 3, 2022

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

Message Title: Not as Free as We Think We Are

Scripture: John 8:31-36

Bottom Line: Gratitude Matters

Other Scripture References:

Group Check in:

  1. How is it with your soul?

  2. Prayer Request? Praises?

Ice Breaker:

  • How do you celebrate the 4th of July?

  • Share your favorite 4th of July memory.


  • Freedom is "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint."

    1. Freedom does not exist without limits.

    2. Freedoms conflict with each other, and what have to choose.

    3. The enjoyment of freedom requires boundaries.

      • In John chapter 8, we overhear a discussion between Jesus and some of his early followers where he is adjusting their understanding of freedom.

      • Jesus said, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples.” A disciple is a student of a teacher. A disciple is a follower of an authority figure. A disciple is a servant of a master. A disciple without a teacher, without an authority, without a master, is not a disciple at all. So when Jesus says, “if you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples”, he’s not saying anything controversial. At least not yet.

      • Jesus said “Everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.”

      • Acts of sin are an outward sign of an inward reality… a pre-existing state of alienation from God. An addict might steal or lie to support his habit, but the real problem isn’t theft or deception. The real issue is his bondage to the craving for the drug, and the substitution of something false and temporary is to satisfy a hunger which is true and eternal.

      • How do you know the difference between an act and a pattern? If you rationalize it before you do it, you’re stuck in a pattern. Regret afterward can lead to repentance, which is a change of mind that leads to a change in direction. Rationalization beforehand is just an excuse that leads to repetition.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you understand freedom? What does it mean to you persoanlly?

  2. What does it mean to be a disciple?

  3. In verse 31, what does it mean to "hold to" Jesus' teaching?

  4. In verses 32-36, it speaks about slavery and freedom. What kind of freedom were the Jews thinking about? What kind was Jesus speaking about?

  5. "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (vs 36) What has Christ set you free from in your life? Give one or two examples.

  6. Notice what the Jews were taking pride in according to verse 33. In what are you tempted to place your pride and significance outside of Jesus? How can you avoid falling into this trap?

  7. Share examples of how living for anything but Jesus has the power to enslave us and drive us in the wrong direction.

  8. What does the phrase mean "abide in My word"? How can we live in Jesus' Word?

  9. Rewrite verses 31-32 in your own words and explain what Jesus means.

  10. Have you experienced this freedom in your life? If so, how?

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