Message Series: True-ish
Week 2
Scripture: 1 Samuel 17
Group Check in:
How is it with your soul?
Prayer Request? Praises?
How has God shown up in your life this week?
What was your favorite thing you did this summer?
What’s this message about? The power of this story isn’t David’s victory over Goliath. It is David’s ability to see that the Lord would carry him through the battle. David's courage and faith becomes the standard for Israel as they are faced with the insurmountable challenge
1 Samuel 15: Saul rejects God
1 Samuel 16: God chooses David
1 Samuel 17: David shows us why.
The power of the story is David’s ability to cut thru his fear of what was in front of him and maintain his faith that God would deliver him from the hand of the Philistines.
Too many times in our lives, we pull a Saul, my gifts aren’t enough to meet the challenge. Yet, we are called to live David lives, my gifts alone aren’t enough, but God is calling me. He will use what we have and He will deliver us.
Discussion Questions:
Think about the last trial you had to face. What overwhelmed you during it? Was it the thoughts of the "giant's" power to destroy you or thoughts of God's victory through you?
How has facing challenges in your life helped you to understand God's power and love?
When you face challenges in your life is your attitude more like Saul or David's? How does your attitude need to change when facing challenges?
When we focus only on the size of the giant standing in our way, fear can easily consume us. Are you choosing to focus on the size of the giant or the size of your God?
What might it look like if you fight your Goliath (battles) with the weapons (gifts, resources) given to you by God?
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There is something about summer that just brings the life out of us, isn't there? Well, those sun-filled days are here and of course you will be looking for some adventure this summer. We have you covered! We have crafted a list of activities that you, your family or a group of friends can do together this summer. Take this opportunity to get to know your neighbors!
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